Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So I came into the lab this morning and saw that the lab assistant had made a whole batch of culture media for me (as I requested) and sat it by my bench, which will be very handy today, and the phrase "awesome as a possum" jumped into my mind. I also realized that the proper extension would be 1.) "awesome as a possum, munching on a blossom." And then I started thinking about how I only ever hear this phrase at home with certain siblings, usually later at night when we're in the middle of some game and are really warmed up into the game-playing spirit. And then my thoughts expanded to try to come up with all the Millerisms that I could - those special hilarious phrases that I only ever hear (and/or utter) at 1471. Can you add to the list? Please put your favorite ones in the comments.

2.) Heep-bleepin-steep, herf-derfin-snerf, dang-gankin-stang, etc: I analyzed this and I think the formula is to take a random syllable "x" and then (consonant #1)+(x)-(consonant#2)+(x)+("in")-("s")+(consonant#3)+(x). Am I right? There are infinite varieties.

3.) "Pain, Marty?" (This could start a whole other discussion on classic Miller movies & associated quotes...)

I'll add more as I think of them...


  1. Hmmm, I sometimes have random phrases that come to mind that must stem from Miller life somewhere. Anyone remember ...
    "If you want to buy a life then get it at Odd Lots, 99 cents plus tax."
    "I don't know about that one, Pinella."

  2. Oh yes, Piniella! I think about that a LOT because he's now the Cubs coach, so I hear his name a lot, and that runs through my mind every time.

    The full round:
    1) If you want to get a life then buy it at Odd Lots, 29 cents plus tax.
    2.) Joel, Joel, Joel - a fine and glorious Joel.
    3.) Get a life, ge-eh-et a life

  3. In the interest of historical accuracy - I believe that it was " I don't know about that MOVE Piniella". Still gets used about once a week at 1471.The original source video is available for your viewing pleasure on your next visit.

  4. aggumsnitchers - definitely aggumsnitchers


  5. I need to get on the ball with checking in more. Sorry.... How about...
    "Why do you ask, pooping dog?" (Tasteful American Indian joke)
    "No more words" (Les Mis)
    What about old school -- "With a great big hunk of green stuff from George Bush's chickapoo pants" (old enought to be referring to the first G.B.) Wasn't there also something about succotash soup?
