Saturday, February 21, 2009


Sam: Grandma, let's play Fierce Dinosaurs. Ollie and me are the daddy T. Rexes, and you're the mama T. Rex. The daddies are going to go hunt for meat.

Grandma Beth: Okay ... So what does the mama T. Rex do?

Sam: You stay home and clean the house.


  1. Oh my... sounds like we need a feminist intervention ;)

  2. Okay... so let's take a poll. Who would rather hunt for meat? Who would rather stay home and clean the house? (Actually, I'd rather do neither)but.. if you had to choose, which would you rather do. We'll see if there are natural born-with instincts brewing here. As for me, I would much rather be outside than in (as long as it's a warm day)but I have no desire to hunt for meat so I would have to choose stay home and clean the house. How about it?!

  3. I think I'd rather go hunting, avoid finding any fresh meat, and enjoy the woods/fields instead. If it actually involved fresh meat... I guess that would depend on if I could shoot the animals or would have to rip their necks with my teeth. Either way I don't think it sounds pleasant. So probably I'd just stay home. But I wouldn't let any bloody meat-hunters into my freshly cleaned house!

  4. Would you rather have a house or a barn?
    Sorry - Wrong poll

    go hunting
    WRONG the animal was sick and full of infection

    clean house
    the house burned down
