Friday, February 13, 2009

Question of the week #3

Two questions for this week:

1.) Did you make any New Year's resolutions or something along those lines (or in general start anything new recently)? How have they been going?

2.) What are/were your Valentine's Day weekend plans? (whether related to Valentine's Day or not)


  1. 1.) I didn't really conceive of it as a New Year's resolution, but I started an exercise program right before the New Year. It's Christian's famous "Tony" program that I may have told you about - weight training & cardio on alternating days. It's the first time I've ever really done any sort of serious muscle-building. It's been great - I had to interrupt it several times because of being sick, which was frustrating, but now I'm back into it. I might have some muscles by this summer ;)

    2.) I'll get back on this one - we had sort-of plans to go up to Evanston (suburb north of Chicago where Northwestern U is) to a special bank to wire money to Christian's mom in Italy, but now we don't need to. So we'll see what happens.

  2. 1.) I bought a computer program called Label Factory. My goal is to learn to make labels so I can make my own when I need them for market items. I'm not doing so great- haven't started. It's a bit overwhelming for me to actually think of starting it, but my winter days to be doing such a thing are slowly fading away, so it would be a good thing for me to just do it.
    2). Dad and I went to a wedding on Valentine's Day- the first Jubilee wedding.
    The night before was our valentine celebration, I guess- the valentine special at Michael Angelos- a medium 2 topping pizza, an order of cheese bread, and two cans of pop for only $12.99. What a deal!

  3. 1.) No New Year's resolutions, but I am contemplating a couple of things for Lent.
    2.) Tom and I went to the same wedding (Caitlyn Reames'). His folks babysat the older boys, so we had supper with them when we got back home. Tom and I had bought a bottle of wine to share that evening, but we were both so exhausted by the time the kids were asleep that we put off our Valentine's celebration until the next night.

  4. Our new year started a month late, January 31st, the evening we learned that we're expecting #3. That's what will be the theme of the year and set the tone for pretty much all we do.
    My Lent pledge is to take on no new major projects. This was already a full spring/summer, and with moving/baby it has become quite full. So I'm going to say 'no' with joy. Already turned down something for helping plan for a conference in Cincinnati. Go ahead, ask me to do something major so I can say No....
